Truthseekerny's Blog

February 7, 2016

The Truthseeker and Truthspeaker newsletter vol.14

Filed under: Uncategorized — truthseekerny @ 3:51 pm

This is the newsletter of wisdom and current events.

Subject “Should you believe in a trinity?”

Many God fearing persons believe in a Trinity of God (Jehovah), Jesus, and the Holy Ghost (or holy spirit). Some believe that Jesus and Jehovah are the same. What does the bible teach? At John 1:1 it reads In the beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, in many bible translations.  If Jesus is known as the Word, and he and God (Jehovah) are the same being why does it say the Word was with God?

No being that we know of lives as two beings. In other words no being that we know of can be with itself. This is just some scriptural evidence that Jehovah and Jesus have distinct personalities. According to the scriptures Christ also prayed to the Father on at least one occasion  thus showing that him and Jehovah are two separate beings. At Matt.26:39 it reads: And going a little way forward, he fell upon his face praying and saying: “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me.  Yet, not as I will, but as you will.”

The word Trinity does not even appear in the Holy Bible. The trinity seems to have become a part of Christian worship because of pagan influence and Platonic logic.

Does the bible teach that the Holy spirit or what some call the Holy Ghost is a person? Nowhere in the Holy Bible is a name designated to the Holy Spirit. In fact the scriptures indicate that the Holy Spirit is Gods active force which he uses to accomplish things. In other words Gods energy. Not some individual Ghost working on its own.

I hope that I have clarified the issue of the trinity and whether these three are one.  Please leave a comment and I will try to respond promptly.

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